DWD-020 Submission Personal filming Creepy male wotan revenge video Ruri Neko Nyan Nyan 版本。
A private photo session of a cosplayer who is loved by the aniwotaku hobbyist piggy. The girl herself is a very focused cosplayer, with black hair in a bun and bangs to match her character. As usual, the promise of posing and photographing images was replaced with a dirty futon. Kimo was delighted, saying, "It's as if I'm doing it with (character's name?), and the high tension of the creepy wotaku who was pleased to see her, was played with, and the number of shots she fired was unstoppable. The character costume he says he loves is still on, and he is forced to bend over to accept the pistons of sexual desire, and he is even tricked into having sex with a third party, which turns into a scene of confusion. And when Piggy-kun, who mistakenly thinks that they are going to be together as lovers, realizes that he is mistaken, he is doomed to further tyranny!
Published at 18th Apr 2019
Published at 18th Apr 2019