我在小学、中学甚至现在的 XX 学校都很穷,外号叫 "博士"。班上的女生经常来我家看黄片。但一看到性爱场面,我就开始紧张,脸颊发红,浑身湿漉漉的,还沾满了尴尬的污渍,隔着内裤都能看到! 2

HUNT-423 我在小学、中学甚至现在的 XX 学校都很穷,外号叫 "博士"。班上的女生经常来我家看黄片。但一看到性爱场面,我就开始紧张,脸颊发红,浑身湿漉漉的,还沾满了尴尬的污渍,隔着内裤都能看到! 2

I'm not the smartest kid in school, but I'm nicknamed "Doctor" because of my plain face and glasses. But I am not a virgin! I have been having sex with many girls in my class who secretly come to my house to watch porn I have collected. Because the girls who see my porn can't resist and want to fuck my dick!
Published at 6th Sep 2011