因为我的屁股说我是个受虐狂"--负责会计工作的水野鲲(Mizuno Kun)是个闷闷不乐、戴着眼镜、头脑清醒的办公室职员--水野朝代(Asayo Mizuno)。

MRXD-009 因为我的屁股说我是个受虐狂"--负责会计工作的水野鲲(Mizuno Kun)是个闷闷不乐、戴着眼镜、头脑清醒的办公室职员--水野朝代(Asayo Mizuno)。

Thank you very much for your kind attention. My name is Mr. Ochiai, General Manager of ●● Trading Co. I have been reporting to you for some time about Mr. Mizuno, who is in charge of our company's accounting department... As I said, there is no doubt that she is a "masochistic woman"... Of course, Mr. Mizuno himself denies it with reddened cheeks, but.... But, yes, I can tell when an old man like me looks at a woman's buttocks. Because, he says, his buttocks are masochistic.
Published at 12th Nov 2016