NKKD-009 结婚三年后,一对夫妇决定购买一套二手公寓,按揭 35 年,但他们无法忍受住在楼上的 DQN 前辈竹丸的噪音问题,于是夫妻俩去抗议,却惹恼了妻子,让妻子干了沙耶新山的故事
In our third year of marriage, my husband and I consulted with each other and purchased this used condominium with a 35-year mortgage after my promotion to section manager. We were living happily in our new house, but there was one problem. It was about a DQN-looking resident named Takemaru who lived on the upper floor.... One day, we finally lost our patience and went to the DQN room of Mr. Takemaru on the upper floor to protest about the noise problem.
Published at 2nd Apr 2016
Published at 2nd Apr 2016