PPPE-190 PPPE-190 带着三弦吉他从东京回到冲绳的家!Hcup 大胸岛民 Yarbusaa 在其 AV 出道三周年之际,凯旋回到内华达! YUZURIHA Karen
It's been three years since she landed in Honshu with a sanshin (Okinawan three-stringed instrument) in her hand! To celebrate the third anniversary of her debut, we invited her to Okinawa, her hometown, for an AV shoot! However, there was an unexpected problem! The actor's flight was delayed and did not arrive! But this is Karen's hometown! Nothing is too much trouble! Karen's ex-boyfriend made an appointment for her to come over and join the shoot! Karen's ex-boyfriend makes an appointment for her to come over and join the party! She's grown up a lot since she was a little girl, and she's even gotten better at titillation and blow jobs! She also tries her hand at reverse dating for the first time! He gets it and negotiates with her! Pile-driving pistons make bones with amateur men who are proud of their sex drive! The vagina is throbbing with the locally produced and locally consumed Ryukyu manhood! A three-day, two-night battle breaks out over the island's most prized possessions! Karen Yuzuriha's triumphant return to Yaribusa, fulfilling her sexy actress dream! The meaning of "Yaribusa" is "to have sex" or "to fuck around".
Published at 16th Feb 2024
Published at 16th Feb 2024