ROE-219 在被灌了十天春药之后,我梦中的阿姨变成了一个高耸的肉仆,可以随心所欲地干我的里里外外...... 多田由香
In order to make my aunt, the beautiful woman of my dreams, do what I wanted, I took advantage of my knowledge as a medical student and created an aphrodisiac. This summer, I decided to stay at my aunt's house, and it was time to try the aphrodisiac. I stole my aunt's eye, and kept on dosing her with one drop, two drops, three drops, four drops, and little by little increased the dosage. Her body was on fire, her breathing became ragged, and her body was twisting and turning, and she seemed to be losing her mind. Finally, after 10 days, my aunt lost all reason and attacked me. Then, my aunt became an obedient slave for me....
Published at 5th Apr 2024
Published at 5th Apr 2024