SW-748 我和我的初恋情人上床了,她是我在一次同学聚会上认识的!她已经成长为一个性感的已婚女人,因为和丈夫没有性生活,她的挫败感濒临爆发。她用一条内裤诱惑了从未和女人做过爱的我,并在酒吧和她家发生了令人兴奋的奸情。
The girl I used to love has become a married woman. She is frustrated because of lack of sex, so she invites me to the bathroom, hallway, or any place where there is no one around and grabs my erect penis. I have sex with her next to the banquet hall or at her house when her husband is away.
Published at 8th Jan 2021
Published at 8th Jan 2021