IKASE Howto "性感演员实用技巧对战 Alice Otsu!

TLDC-005 IKASE Howto "性感演员实用技巧对战 Alice Otsu!

Is IKASA the next step after IKUNA? No, IKASA is a new series for female users. Of course, I hasten to add that IKASA is also perfect for male users who want to secretly steal the "tricks" that professional actors have perfected! IKASA is different from them because it is practical and correct! In other words, IKASA is unique in that it takes the "VS" element of the IKUNA series and has the female side (in this case, Alice Ototo) judge the professional actors who are rivals to each other strictly and correctly from the female perspective, a unique and strict development not seen in similar porn works! And so, this is the film. Otome Alice judges "Actor" Shinji Yano (Yano Shinji) vs. Both of them have huge cocks (Yano's is slightly bigger than Hajime's), but it is the fusion of their sexual skills and sensitive hearts that ultimately wins this close battle. What I want you to watch carefully is their every move and approach to Alice-chan. In addition, the skilled movements that accelerate to IKASE are what you want to see. Using all of his senses, he does not miss even the slightest reaction of Alice-chan! This observation is the essence of IKASE. In other words, it is a "trick" that can be practiced by the users who watch this work. What will be the result of the final judgment by Alice Otoshi?
Published at 2nd Feb 2024